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Free Entertainment & Education to Keep Busy During Coronavirus Lockdown
In light of the new COVID 19 lockdown regulations, many of us suddenly have a lot of empty time on our hands. You've always wanted to...

Free Entertainment & Education to Keep Busy During Coronavirus Lockdown
In light of the new COVID 19 lockdown regulations, many of us suddenly have a lot of empty time on our hands. You've always wanted to...

Coronavirus Friendly Mental Health & Wellness Resources
During the COVID-19 pandemic, our physical health is obviously extremely important. However, this is a very tricky time. Stress-levels...

News & Updates on the Coronavirus in Israel
It seems like there is a new update just about every second, and it is hard to keep track of what's what. To make matters worse, the fake...

Where can I get food in Israel during COVID-19?
​ We see people hoarding supplies (toilet paper mainly, but other stuff too!) and it can be quite frightening, especially when the...

Coronavirus Resources in Jerusalem
Different communities are facing different types of needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. I understand that the Jerusalem community is one...

The Best Quarantine-friendly Businesses, Services & More in Israel
Surely you've heard by now - we've got a global pandemic on our hands and she goes by the name of Corona. Most countries are taking...

Who Do I Vote For? Your English Guide to the 2019 Israeli Elections
Where do I vote in Israel? How does the Israeli government work? Why do Israelis vote for parties, not candidates? Here 's your Israeli

The story of how I ended up in Israel
HOW DID I GET HERE? It has been a pretty crazy journey from growing up in California with relatively minimal Judaism to deciding to build...
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