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Meet Your Cool Cousin
What are your top priorities of things to visit when you're on a trip? Maybe your itinerary surrounds the meals you will eat, maybe there...

Too busy vlogging
Hey there fam! As you can see...I have not been updating the blog very much. My bad! I've just been so deep into my latest...
10 Years of Blogging
I was taking a look back at the very first days of my blog and realized that this August will be 10 years since I began blogging. I have...

The Magic of Social Media
Last night I experienced what can only b referred to as the magic of the internet. I think some people are afraid of the internet. They...
לעשות חיים | To Do Life
I want to have an honest moment with you all. I haven't blogged in a long time. There are many reasons for that. I'm too busy. I'm...

Little Women
I woke up today and Facebook told me it is International Women's Day (thanks Facebook for always keeping me updated). As a young woman in...

Amy's 6 Don'ts of Aliyah
For most people the new year starts on January 1st, but I get an extra week. Yes, the page in my calendar turns just like yours, but two...

What's current in Content Marketing, as told by Content Israel
This Wednesday I had the pleasure of spending the day at the second annual Content Israel conference, held at the very cool Naagalat Center

Do Little Things
Hard to believe it, but the end of 2016 is fast approaching. For one reason or another, the end of a calendar year always jars me a bit....
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