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Travels of a young American-Israeli
No, it is not a secret that I took my first ever Eurotrip. I guess I did not want to post on the blog because I felt that it would create...

Goodbye, Mr. Peres
I feel a bit guilty. Yesterday the Knesset was open for the public to pay their respects to Shimon Peres. I wanted to go. But I didn't....
השכנים - The Neighbors
Since my Aliyah I have lived in one general area of Jerusalem. I started in Armon HaNatziv (a.k.a. East Talpiot) because my Ulpan was...
Three years later...
For those of you who have followed my saga, or those of you who know me personally, you have most likely heard the story of how my...
Wow, I haven't updated the world (or at least this little blogging world) about the last few months. There are lots of possibilities of...

The Intensity
Intense would be the most accurate word to describe last night. I sat in the pit of the Latrun amphitheater surrounded by a number of...
Two weddings and a brit
Hello there folks! It has been awhile, and per usual a lot has happened. As the title may let on, I've been doing a lot of celebrating....

On Tuesdays We Vote
After only a little over two months in this country I've already taken part in one of it's most amazing aspects—it's democratic process....

B is for Bureaucracy - A is for Accomplishment
The other day I had what I feel to be one of the quintessential olah chadasha experiences--visiting multiple government offices in the...
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