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"You live here?!"
Picture this: Me sitting in an American-style bar (at 4AM) full of Yeshiva boys screaming at a hundred screens as Tom Brady's face...
6 Months
6 months. 6 months of headlines in the local news. Likkud takes majority in the Israeli elections. Mayor of Jerusalem takes down...

יוםים לישראל - Two Days for Israel
This past weekend were what I believe to be two of the most important days of the year for Israel, and they also happen to be my...
יזכור ותלמד
As Israel transitions officially into Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, I'd like to extend a challenge to all of my friends. The...

ברוכים הבאים הביתה - Welcome Home
Approximately 34 hours ago something amazing happened. I made Aliyah! I became an official Israeli! When I look back on my life it is so...
The last 2 years I've done this thing called "10Q". Between Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Jewish day of atonement)...
Vanity Fair
Hello everyone! I've decided to do a little bit of a redesign right now, so forgive me if things get a bit messy! I'll make sure to keep...

My grandmother recently emailed me a conversation between her and one of her cousins regarding the current situation in Israel and the...
I'm sitting here about to go into my 2nd shabbat since my return and many have asked me how it feels to be back in the US. Honestly, my...
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