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Go Go Golan
One of many amazing things about my program is that we go on trips around Israel together. Group trips are a fun way to discover Israel...

"Started in America, Now We Here" – Drake
O hey guys! I'm in Israel now! Thought you ought to know. I left the US on Jan 30 and arrived on Friday the 31st just in time for...
Countdown to Takeoff!
Considering I'll be in Israel in just 22 (ooh oooh...T Swift reference anyone?) days, I figured a small update might be in order. A few...
Mobilizing Hope
This last term of my Undergrad has been full of thought. I've been taking courses asking me to think about how I interact with people of...
Here we go again!
Dear Family, Friends, Community Members, and Other Readers, As many of you know, in the past few years Israel has become an extremely...

זה להיתרות, לא ביי ביי (It's see you later, not bye bye)
So this is it. This is finally it. Tomorrow I will take myself, my things, all that I've experienced and learned this summer, and put it...

The Great Defenders
"הנני נשבע(ת) ומתחייב(ת) בהן צדקי לשמור אמונים למדינת ישראל לחוקיה ולשלטונותיה המוסמכים, לקבל על עצמי ללא תנאי וללא סייג עול משמעתו של...

I HEART Tel Aviv
For the last 3 weeks I've been subletting a lovely little apartment in Tel Aviv. Having a "home base" has really given me a different...

Good Eats
If you follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter then you know that I post a lot of photos of my breakfast in Israel. In America, I'm not the...
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