Keep Tel Aviv Weird - Episode 1
As someone who spent the last three years of my life in Portland, a city whose literal slogan is "Keep Portland weird", I've seen some ridiculous things—Donuts with bubblegum and tang powder on them, families with matching multi-colored mohawks, more white-dreadlocks than anywhere else, and the confusion of whether or not someone was wearing an actual Halloween costume or just in their everyday attire. Don't worry world. I have not been missing out on my daily dose of weird. This is the Jewish state after all. We can assume it has it's fair share of quirkiness. I see plenty of odd, usually laugh-worthy, things throughout Tel Aviv. I've decided that once a month I'll post a few photos of the funny things I've seen.
So here is "Keep Tel Aviv Weird - Episode 1":

EXTREME hair gel, because we all really need to get an extremem grip. Also, I think we all want to look like this young man on the package. (P.s. I'm fairly positive the brnad name in the top right corner says "kef", which translates to fun in Hebrew)

Macaroni and Cheese in a can...need I say more?
I bought these yogurt cups, not noticing that the witches' brooms were actually whisks because it was whipped yogurt. But can you blame me for being distracted by the witches!? Note that it is not Halloween here. There is no Halloween here...

Not sure why this man is upside down...Perhaps he is just so excited about the cell phone deal being advertised? (Ironically I actually use this cell phone company.)
The only Jewish country needs it's own, custom blend of TicTacs, naturally.
So we might not have Halloween, but we have a holiday called Purim, which was last weekend. One of the customs on Purim is to dress in costume. I spotted these inflatable cowboys on the street one night. Only in Israel will you find cowboys enjoying falafel!!!
And finally we have this guy. I'm not sure what to say about this. But I am glad he is at least wearing a seatbelt.